1 Abe ache aid pray staying may2 be beat beam
beast bean3 season see seat seam seek seem4 delight deed dean
deal deep5 eat eagle East Eden Easter weep keep6 effort efluent
efficacious7 Jean jeep Jesus genius geography8 *** There are no
words! ***9 eye nine mine wipe ice height10 blame bee seen
delight East effort Jeep ride SPECIAL NOTE: ANY PERSON ENROLLING A
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All things work together for good to those who love the Lord and who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28 He is one person out of many that is living a double life. He covered his illiteracy up, as do many people, by having others (in this case, his students) read for him.<P><P><P>The adults who have come to the phonics classes have to first learn consonants and vowels. They are not familiar with phonetic sounds, even though they speak those same sounds every day. The need is overwhelming!<P>The success and uniqueness of this program is attributed by many to be the result of our original curriculum, developed over twenty years and tried and tested by certified teachers for over four years. <P>For how much money would you be willing to sell your ability to read? Howmuch money would it take to buy your child's ability to read? A million dollars? A billion?<P>Imagine if the word cat looked like "zfu" to you. Imagine if the sentence,I love you, looked like "E pudr sig". It would be a foreign language to you. If you can help just ONE person learn the names and sounds of the Alphabet, what a change that would make in his or her life. At least they would have a starting point in which to launch out into the world of reading.<BR>WE'RE COUNTING ON YOU!!!<P><P><P><HR NOSHADE>AND NOW TO CONTINUE WITH THE LETTERS:<P><P><P><FONT COLOR="BLACK">My child was only two years and three months old when I put her on your program. My neighbors and friends laughed at me and said I was just a crazy lady. But I know that certain parts of our culture are difficult to overcome and some people are biased because of it. That places my child in a precarious position as she grows up. I wanted to prove her intelligence and give her a better chance in life but I didn't want to force or frustrate her. She LOVED your program and within two months she was singing songs about the Alphabet letters and the vowels! She knew most of them when she saw them on a chart. Now she has just turned three and she recognizes short three letter words by the sounds of the letters. Her brothers, both a few years older, are astounded at her progress and are asking me why didn't I do more for them? 10. Is your student currently enrolled in a private or public school or are you currently homeschooling him or her?It has encouraged my sons to try harder in school and their grades are improving. Thank you for taking the time to make your phonics course available and thank you for caring!</FONT><P><P><P></FONT><FONT COLOR="BROWN">.....I would like to know more about your phonics classes in the Internet so I can teach my little brother. I am 17 years old and he is 13 but he can't read.<P><P><P>I am 50 years old. English is my second language. I am fromSpain and I would like to enroll 3.What is the student's age? myself in your phonics classes on theInternet.<P><P><P></FONT><FONT COLOR="BLACK">I am interested in learning about how to teach phonics to children.Presently I am concerned about my nieces and nephews who are learning to"not read" with the whole language method.<P><P><P></FONT><FONT COLOR="BROWN">My girls are age 2 and 5. I realize that age two may seem young. However, this child has been able to follow the stories and identify Mama and baby letters. The older child could move at a faster pace, but I do not want to go too fast for the younger child. Do you have any suggestions on how to help go at a pace that is good for both children? I have been asking the older child to help her younger sister learn. This keeps her involved and makes her feel very important. She is a great assistant. <P><P><P></FONT><FONT COLOR="BLUE">My daughter is in 1st. grade and was doing well. I've worked with her on a program called reader rabbit. AT this time Ive not gotten the next step because it's $65.00. I throught she was doing well, I've keep in touch with her teacher often . Then one day I got a note home saying that they were putting her in a program called SOAR for kids who had problems with reading. Her teacher never let me know that my daughter had started having problems. I'm hoping this will help, because I can't afford the new program.<P><P><P>Oh the little boy I was going to help also, his mother wouldn't bring him by, so I thought I would help him by giving her the information over the phone but she's not willing at this time to put the time into it.... What can I do when his mom won't bring him by? I want to help him but I'm confined to a wheel chair and I don't drive.<P><P><P><HR NOSHADE>YOUR SUCCESS DEPENDS ON PERSISTENCE,<BR> DETERMINATION AND HARD WORK<P><OL><LI>UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED TO BEGIN WITH ABC, </FONT><FONT COLOR="RED">DO NOT CONTACT US </FONT>FOR THIS COURSE.<LI>UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED TO BEGIN AT THE VERY BEGINNING, </FONT><FONT COLOR="RED">DO NOT CONTACT US </FONT>FOR THIS COURSE.<LI>UNLESS YOU ARE PREPARED TO SPEND TIME STUDYING AND ARE WILLING TO COMMIT TO THE NECESSARY TIME, </FONT><FONT COLOR="RED">DO NOT CONTACT US</FONT> FOR THIS COURSE.</OL><P>Ours is a scholastic course and we start at the very beginning. There are <FONT SIZE=+4>NO exceptions!</FONT> If you do not want to begin with basics then ours may not be the course you are looking for.</OL>We tell parents:<CENTER>You can teach someone how to read!<
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