Digraphs are two or more consonants that come together to form one unique sound.
sh she ch church tch catch th them
ck kick wh when gh ghost ph phone
gh fought (Gh is silent here.) gn gnat kn knot
Blends are two or more consonants that come together
in such a way that each consonant's sound flows smoothly into the other.
br brag cr credit dr drive fr Fred
gr grand tr tray str street sn snow
sp spank st star sw swing sm smack
tw twin bl black cl climb fl flag
gr glass pl place
short vowels a e i o u
long vowels a e i o u
sounds like k c
sounds like s c
sounds like g g
sounds like j j
double consonants ss
double vowels ea
vowel, consonant, vowel final e e
ild old
short oo
long oo
hard c c
soft c c
hard g g
soft g g
sounds like e i
y is a vowel at the end of a word ay
murmur diphthongs ar er
ir or
ur are
ere ire
ore ure
l controlled a a
a sounds like short o a
y is a vowel at the end of a word y
middle of word y
sounds like e y
s sounds like z s
gh is silent night eigh
Blow it! th
Vocalize it! th
q needs u qu
sounds like sh s
sounds like th t
sounds like gs x
sounds like f gh
sounds like long oo u
sounds like sh ch
sounds like k ch
sounds like ng n
sounds like short oo o
sounds like er or
l controlled u
vowel diphthong aw aw
sounds like shun sion
a sounds like short e a
e sounds like long a e
sounds like short u u
sounds like long oo o