Please answer ALL twenty-one questions in complete sentences. There is no wrong answer as long as it is genuine and written in a complete sentence. Any questions answered with a word here and there but not in a complete sentence will be sent back to you to do again before your enrollment is accepted. Any question not completely answered will also be returned to you to do again before your enrollment is accepted.

Some questions require more than one answer!

Please copy each question and paste it into your email. Then below each question, please type in your answers to the question above.

Please number each answer according to the questions below:


1. What is the full name of the student and what is the student's age?

2. What is the full name of the supervisor and is the supervisor over eighteen? What is the relationship of the supervisor to the student?

3. What is the name of the city where the student and supervisor live?

4. What is the name of the State or region AND COUNTRY where the student and supervisor live?

5. What type of computer will be used to access the lessons? And does your email program allow you to click on a URL to locate a page on the web? Please explain your procedure for copy/paste.

6.Is the student in public, private or Christian school? Is the student being homeschooled at present. What is the current grade in school?

7. How many teachers does your student have at his or her school? Write N/A for homeschoolers.

8. How many children are in your child's classroom? Write N/A for homeschoolers.

9. What special reading need does your student have? Please explain in fifty words or more.

10. What is the highest grade in school that the supervisor completed?

11. Please explain in 50 words or more why you believe it is important for every child to have the opportunity to learn how to read.

12. If your student says to you "I already know that ABC stuff!", what would be your response? Please answer in no less than twenty words.

13. Since you have agreed to begin with ABC, what would be your reply if your student tells you that he or she doesn't see any reason to begin with ABC. Please answer in no less than twenty words.

14. If you think of something creative during a lesson that would pertain to what you are teaching, would you incorporate your ideas into the lesson you are teaching? Please answer in a complete sentence.

15. If you are teaching a lesson and YOUR very young child wants to sing a song instead of paying attention, what would YOU do? Please answer in no less than twenty words. Please do not say you don't have a very young child. Answer as if you do.

16. In what part of your residence do you plan to teach your child? Please describe the area as to quietness and more. Please don't say "beside the computer".

17. If you plan to go shopping and your child wants to sing one of the songs taught in our program, would you explain that he or she has to wait until later or would you sing the song enroute to your shopping area? Please answer in a complete sentence.

18. If grandma comes over, would you encourage your child to sing one of the songs in our course or to show Grandma how to play one of the games? If you answer in the affirmative, please explain in no less than twenty words. If you answer in the negataive, please explain in no less than forty words.

19. How many other children will be present in the same room during the lessons and what are their ages?

20. Are you willing to spend twelve weeks teaching the essential basics of phonics starting with ABC? Explain why in no less than twenty-five words.

21. What is your email? Please include two email addresses with your enrollment. There are no exceptions. Two email addresses must be included. If you need to get another email then please go to:




**NOTE: Paxemail is fine. However, do not sign up for their Paxway internet service because if you do, you will not be able to access our classes since our classes reside on the Tripod server and Paxway blocks Tripod.


We will notify you of your acceptance into our program. If for some reason you are not accepted, you will also be notified along with any suggestions about resubmitting. If you do not hear from us in twenty-four hours to forty-eight hours, please send your application again.

The above email address at Hotmail is a backup address. We do not check that mailbox daily. It is for your convenience and ours in the unlikely event that Hotmail should be down while upgrading.

Notice: If you do not put "enrollment" in the subject, your application will be discarded and you will need to resubmit.

Notice: The email you write to us from will be considered your primary email address and we will FIRST send all communication to you via your primary email address. It is best to send your initial enrollment to us from the email address you wish to receive correspondence from us because we will hit "Reply". Thank you!

Notice: If you have a change of email , any changes to make on your enrollment or subsequent correspondences, please list your name, the enrollment date and both emails originally submitted in your initial enrollment as this will help us locate you in our database more easily, saving us lots of time. Thank you!



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